
Internal App Workflows | UI/UX

AmTrust Financial Services, Inc. (AFSI) is a niche specialty property and casualty insurance company whose focus is on small business insurance solutions with an emphasis on workers’ compensation.

My challenges on all AFSI apps were to either create or update old and outdated workflows and application interfaces. Additionally, goals were to streamline the human experience, find and address pain points, update the interface and reduce user clicks while saving time.


AFSI EasyPay

Project + My Role: AFSI’s EasyPay walkthrough demos a step-by-step process for making a payment on a policy. My role was to redesign pages ensuring ease and clarity.

Pain Points: Most notably, EasyPay’s interface was outdated. Working with business analysts and front-end teams, I also identified that users wished to complete the process accurately and quickly.

Solutions: The main goal was to provide a better user experience with a cleaner interface. By removing unneeded steps and wireframing the users’ potential journeys of making a payment, EasyPay’s app now provides clean and concise workability. To reduce the perception of complexity, the form design was divided into four easily digestible steps. A designed progress bar was positioned atop of the workflow, as a gentle reminder to the user.

Along with the desktop app, I also worked on AO's mobile app.


CPP Edit Quote App

Project + My Role: AFSI’s CPP (Commercial Package Policy) app is a significant tool for users who wish to make an insurance quote. My role was to redesign pages using our Cover Design System standards.

Pain Points: CPP’s interface was archaic and outdated. Working with business analysts and front-end teams, my main tasks were to address the boring user interface, lack of clarity on its homepage and simplify misnamed navigational menu items.

Solutions: Produced a clean and organized redesign of the quoting form app.


AmTrust Manager Dashboard Design

Project + My Role: User dashboard design to house all AFSI’s internal apps. As lead designer, my role was to collaborate with other designers, the business, users, and front/back end devs to access functionality and purpose for this redesign. My team and I gave this intricate dashboard more than a facelift; using our Cover Design System, we reengineered the way Manager was built, organizing information in a clean, concise, and visually pleasing interface.

Pain Points: Working directly with high-level users, I was able to translate system needs and address pain points. The most significant pain point was a confusing and cluttered UI. Fonts and spacing was small and inconsistent. Icons were overused and their style was out of date. The system had no real sense of visual hierarchy, having multiple menus, tree navigations, and tabs thrown together haphazardly.

Solutions: Once my team and I understood how users intended to use Manager, we were able to craft a new and engaging system. I removed the top ribbon icon menu and introduced a much cleaner interactive side navigation. I employed a top-down style approach, using tabs for content on the top of the interface as opposed to on the bottom, where they had been previously located.

Header items were allocated into more digestible chunks and icons are now used with clear reasoning and purpose.

General Process & Collaboration for all AFSI apps

Designing a smart user experience all begins with ideation and conceptualization. As an experience designer, my tasks at hand are to organize and create a seamless workflow experience.

Working with stakeholders, analysts, and Front/Back End developers, AFSI apps now feature consistent branding, seamless workability and user-tested results. I found collaboration to be essential when building new features keeping the user’s (agent, or underwriter) needs in mind.

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AmTrust Chatbot

Design pitch and creation for AmTrust’s chatbot.



Cover Design System